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Back Bliss 

Liberate Your Low Back and Move With Ease

Start feeling like yourself again and stop letting low back pain cramp your style.

Whether you have a stiff, tight low back from too MUCH movement or too little, we’ll tackle it together with 4 weeks of on-demand classes, plus 2 guest expert on-demand webinars, daily movement assignments, and a crash course on the many root causes of back pain and how we can begin to take back control.


“You are as young as your spine is healthy.” –Joseph Pilates

I don’t know about you, but experiencing low back pain as an active, otherwise “healthy” person has been a super frustrating thing for me—making me feel older than I am, limiting my ability to move the way I want to, and just generally getting me down.

I’m so glad I committed to going all in to understand my body and discover the tools that have helped me move more freely and erase a lot of the stiffness and discomfort.

After applying these principles myself, my back pain is significantly better. What’s been even more rewarding, though, is hearing from others who have implemented these exercises and techniques I’ve given them and have experienced relief!

I’d love to have you join me in your own time for a 4-week on-demand challenge. Our mission? To liberate your low back.

This 4 Week Challenge Consists of The Following:

  • 12 On-Demand Classes (blending foam rolling, Pilates, yoga, and meditation, each ranging from 20-30 minutes in length)
  • On-Demand Course on Low Back Pain Root Causes
  • On-Demand Webinar from physical therapist Riley Shaia
  • On-Demand Webinar from psychologist Dr. Jeff Comer
  • 100+ Video Exercise Library 
  • Daily Movement Assignments for 30 Days
  • Accountability Emails + Encouragement!








*You can get one delivered ASAP on Amazon HERE or just tie two tennis balls together in a tube sock.

What people are saying about Mariah’s yoga for low back pain…

It’s time you made your lower back care a priority…and why not make it fun?