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Relaxing Bedtime Routines To Tame Stress and Induce Sleep

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As Seen On
Bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.

Since the dawn of time, humans have been cued for sleep with the setting of the sun.

Then came Mr. Edison and the little old lightbulb. Thanks to these miraculous tiny globes, our entire existence from sunset on has changed the way we work and sleep (or don’t sleep).

THEN came the world wide web–the last nail in the coffin of being naturally subject to any patterns of actually turning off work at the end of the workday.

And for many entrepreneurs, these late nights hours have been a godsend–these are the hours in which they’ve initially built their empires (often while working a 9-5).

Relaxing bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.

In fact, over a quarter of all Americans work past 10pm at night. (Hamermesh and Stancanelli), and I’d wager that percentage skyrockets north among entrepreneurs.

But scrolling through your news feeds and editing blog images until you fall asleep with your laptop in bed is one of the most surefire ways to kill your health, productivity, and joy (not to mention, your sex life). 

Computer work, in particular, interferes with your body’s regulation of melatonin, due to blue light emissions. This, in turn, disrupts your body’s sleep cycles–resulting in a cascade of hormonal imbalances that can include moodiness, fatigue, indecision, lack of creativity, and even insulin resistance (i.e., sluggish metabolism and excess body fat).

Perhaps equally important, being in work mode until you drop from exhaustion messes with your mental well-being.

To not have any pockets of the day where you can identify with being rather than doing will only set you up for perfectionism– a  belief that your worth and significance lie solely in how many items you check off your to-do list.

Relaxing bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.

Reclaim your evening wind-down routine with the following ideas–I promise you won’t even miss that extra hour of work!

(Note: This is where you get to be creative. You won’t have time to do all these things on a given night, and some of them may resonate more than others. Try different combinations of these routine “ingredients” to experiment with your perfect bedtime recipe.)


Prep for Next Day

Relaxing bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.

Pick Out Next Day’s Clothes

Do Food Prep

Prepare and Program Coffee Maker

Tidy Up House

Organize Gym Bag

Write Tomorrow’s To-Do List


Dim light

Electronics off

Signature scent

Clean space

Bed turn-down


Relaxing bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.


Podcast/Audio Book

Art (Coloring, crafting, etc.)

Relationship Care


Play with pets

Write cards/letters







Physical Relaxation/Biohacks

Relaxing bedtime routines for entrepreneurs to tame stress and induce sleep.

Bodywork–Stretching/yoga, partner massage, reflexology, trigger point therapy


Magnesium (either in Epsom Salts or Ease Magnesium topical spray)

Moonlit stroll

Temperature adjustment (69 degrees or cooler)

With the right mixture of wind-down activities that resonate with you, you’ll be drifting off to la-la land with a calm mind and a relaxed body–you SO won’t even miss the glow of your devices.

Ready to get started? Download my free 15-minute gentle yoga video to transition into your bedtime ritual before shutting down your screens.





Convert Your At-Home Space into a High End Fitness Studio

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