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Tiny Habits w/ BJ Fogg and Linda Fogg-Phillips

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As Seen On

In this episode, I’m honored to have brother-sister team BJ Fogg and Linda Fogg-Phillips as guests on the show.

Dr. BJ Fogg directs the Behavior Design Lab at Stanford. A scientist and innovator, Fogg led the first-ever series of experiments on how computers can influence people’s beliefs and behaviors.

He has created new models and methods for changing human behavior. He calls this area “Behavior Design.” He teaches his methods to industry innovators in a series of two-day Boot Camps.

BJ is the author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Chan@bjge What We Think and Do. Fortune Magazine selected him as one of 10 “New Gurus You Should Know.” Over the last few years, he has personally coached more than 40,000 people in a change method that he created called “Tiny Habits.”

His sister, Linda Fogg-Phillips, is the Director of Tiny Habits® Academy, which offers trainings that teach individuals, coaches and businesses how to create habits quickly and easily for themselves and their clients…without relying on willpower. She is a Public Speaker and consultant on the topics of behavior change, habits, and resilience. As the mother of eight children, Linda has had her own behavior change and habit design laboratory for 34 years. She has a master’s degree in Health Promotion and Exercise Physiology.

Wellthy Boss Show Podcast

  • How tiny habits lead to long-term behavior change
  • Why celebrating each and every successful behavior is critical to forming a new habit
  • Why motivation and willpower never lead to long-term behavior change
  • How tiny habits can be applied to achieving lasting health and fitness goals

Wellthy Boss Show Episode

Tiny Habits 5-Day Program

Tiny Habits website

102 Tiny Habit Celebrations

102 Tiny Habit Celebrations

Wellthy Boss Show

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