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5 Fitness Training Tips for Winter Workouts

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5 Fitness Training Tips for Winter Workouts

1. Program the Thermostat: Your warm, cozy bed feels like it’s got a magnetic force field around you, magically keeping you from that narrow window of time to exercise before work. Program the thermostat to raise 5 degrees warmer than your nighttime temp, so that it’s less uncomfortable throwing off that cover.

2. Invest in the Right Gear: Dressing for the weather can make all the difference between enjoying your outdoor workout and finding an excuse to skip it. Just two or three outfits will get you through the season. Go shop!

3. Don’t Forget Fido: Dogs need exercise too, and with less daylight it’s easy for your furry friend to get shortchanged. Taking your pup for a walk in the last waning hours of sunlight will not only keep your pup’s weight down, it will also calm your stress levels and lead to a better night’s sleep. And a better night’s sleep means a better morning workout!

4. Change It Up: If you normally exercise outside, you may have to temporarily make some changes during the workweek depending on your schedule, the amount of daylight you have access to, and the weather. Now’s a great time to take up a new indoor sport or class you’ve been wanting to try—you can always soak up some nature time on the weekends!

5. Stay One Beat Ahead of the Blues: Even if you live in a warm climate with beautiful daytime temps, being stuck in the office during the nicest part of the day can lead to daylight deprivation. Lack of sunlight leads to depleted levels of serotonin—those chemicals we rely on to make us feel happy. Fortunately, exercise can increase serotonin and help make up the difference

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