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8 Tips on How to Drink More Water

Before you even think about nutrition, be sure you've mastered hydration.

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8 Tips On How To Drink More Water

Refreshing pools, rushing waterfalls, gentle rain showers, lapping waves, cooling misters, soothing hot tubs…for all the ways that we enjoy water, how come so many of us struggle to drink more water in a day? We are, as you may recall from third-grade science class, over 60% water ourselves. Why do we fight it?

Well, I sort of blame the explosion of the beverage industry over the past century. Water can be kind of boring compared to all the other things we could be drinking, right? But drinking water is essential for removing waste and toxins from the body; maintaining clear skin, monitoring our hunger hormones; and, oh, just about every other function of the entire body! (Read more.) 

So with that in mind, it’s worth figuring out how to drink more water in a day. (And even more important in these HOT summer months…did I mention I live in Arizona??)

Here’s how to get you some. (Um, water, that is.)

Tips to drink more water.


  • #1. Track it. I know. You thought I was going to start with something sexy. Sorry! But I’ll give you a high-tech option and a low-tech option. (Apps are sexy, right?) Download this iTunes app where you can not only track the glasses downed as you go, but actually set up reminders to nudge you to drink more. And here’s my low-tech advice: wrap 8 thin rubber bands or–if you’re a lady–ponytail holders around your wrist in the morning. Take one off each time you polish off a glass. (Wish I could claim credit for this, but I heard it from someone else once.)
  • #2. Add some sparkle. Carbonated water, as long as it doesn’t have sweeteners, is just as beneficial as flat. Think Pellegrino, La Croix, Perrier, etc. It’s just more fun! Plus the bubbles can help you feel full. (Which is a double bonus because dehydration can trick you into thinking you’re hungry–knock out those false cravings with a 1-2-punch.)Tips to drink more water.
  • #3. BYOB. Bottle, that is. I never, repeat NEVER, leave the house without a refillable water bottle. Not only are these better for the environment, they’re also better for YOU than plastic disposable bottles which can release questionable chemicals–especially if it’s sitting in your car. Plus this leaves you without an excuse if it’s always in reach. Currently I’m using this Brita water bottle with a built-in filter, that I got from Walgreens.
  • #4. Filter it. All tap water is not equal. I always used to drink tap water, but when we moved into a temporary apartment earlier this year between buying and selling a house, we noticed that we immediately started suffering from stomach-aches that we traced back to the poor-quality water in the tap. Scary! If your water tastes funny, chances are something is off. Get a pitcher filter or upgrade to a full-blown system. (While I don’t think I would have splurged on it myself, our new house had this triple osmosis water filtration system already installed, and the water tastes incredible!)
  • #5. Infuse it. Lemon and lime wedges add a lot of extra flavor and also aid in digestion and maintaining a proper pH balance in the body. I also love a drop of peppermint essential oil to kick up the refreshment factor–especially if I’m working out outside and need extra energy. (Check your bottle first–not all essential oils are designed to be taken internally…I think doTerra oils fit the bill.)Tips to drink more water.
  • #6. Display It. My mother-in-law keeps a beautiful water dispenser out on the counter in the summer months. Keep your water intake top-of-mind by making it visible in one of these gorgeous bad boys. (Try one for your office too!)
  • #7. Toast Your Meal. Here’s my extra-credit challenge: make it a rule of thumb to always treat yourself to a “hydration cocktail” (a.k.a. water) before imbibing. At home, pour some sparkling water into a rocks glass and garnish with fresh mint, a twist, floral ice cubes (Martha Stewart tutorial HERE), muddled berries…get creative! If you’re out for happy hour, start off with a chilled club soda and lime. Make a promise to yourself that you can have a grown-up drink after you’ve thrown the first one back.
  • #8. Just Do It. Let’s keep this in perspective hereWe’re talking about pouring a glass of water and drinking it–not training for a marathon. Increasing your water intake by a few glasses a day is an easy win–and starting with small steps can work wonders in jumpstarting a fit body and healthy life.

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