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Easy Ways To Improve Your Immune System

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Easy Ways to Improve Your Immune System | Self-Care for Entrepreneurs

Whether you’re prone to catching a cold or the flu every winter, or illness hits at the most random times, there’s never a good time to be sick–especially as an overworked entrepreneur!

While many people narrow the conversation around flu prevention to whether or not to get a flu shot, I think a much better question to ask is what simple lifestyle habits we can incorporate that will help our bodies fight off the threat of illness to the best of its power (flu shot or not).

Try these easy ways to improve your immune system by optimizing your body’s lymphatic system (the system of lymph vessels, lymphatic fluid, organs, and lymph nodes that circulate and filter lymphocytes–your body’s first defense against harmful bacteria, toxins, and abnormal cells) :

  • Be physically active, especially throughout the day (not just during your dedicated workout time)
  • Eliminate chemicals from your household and personal/beauty products (I like Honest brand for most of my products).
  • Spend a few minutes in an inversion (with feet elevated higher than the heart), to encourage the flow of lymphatic fluid
  • Practice deep breathing
  • Stay hydrated
  • Try contrast showers (alternating hot and cold water)
  • Eat 1-3 citrus servings a day before you ever feel any symptoms of becoming ill (drinking lemon water counts!)
  • Meditate to reduce stress hormones and tame inflammation
  • Include warming spices like ginger, cayenne, turmeric, cinnamon, and cardamom
  • Invest in a massage

The body is a miraculous machine that, when given the proper tools, can do a marvelous job of protecting itself and keeping you healthy and happy!

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