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Excuse-Proof Your New Year’s Resolutions

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Almost half of Americans make it a point to set New Year’s resolutions every January 1st, and not surprisingly the most popular resolution is to lose weight. (Source: University of Scranton. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 12.13.2012) Since we seem to make this resolution anew every year, you would think we’d all be in great shape by now, no?

The ancient philosopher Solomon told us that “the end of a matter is better than the beginning.” So how do we make our new year’s resolutions airtight and ensure that setting these intentions actually leads to results? Whether you can identify with the resolution to lose weight or want to do something else good for yourself, here are some pointers for excuse-proofing your New Year’s resolutions.

Set an action plan—A resolution without a plan is no more than wishful thinking. Carrying on the same behavior patterns and habits as before cannot possibly lead to new results, so establishing not only the “what” but also the “how” is essential.

Make it gradual—The habits we have now (good or bad) took years to develop, so most of us aren’t likely to make radical changes to them by sheer will. Propose a series of changes that you’re most likely to stick with. Do you want to eat more healthfully? Instead of resolving to only eat healthy foods from here on out, determine specific changes you’re going to incorporate over the coming weeks. For example, perhaps the first week of January you could resolve to reduce half your sugary sodas with seltzer water, then the second week incorporate an additional goal like adding a serving of fruits and vegetables each day. Spreading out your goals incrementally will make it easier to actually stick with them.

Weigh it against other priorities in your life—Maybe running a marathon or dropping down several dress sizes sound like great resolutions for you, but you need to consider the cost of what will be required to meet these resolutions and whether they align with other priorities in life. If it really is important to you, you will find a way to do it. If spending two hours a day in the gym isn’t worth the time sacrificed with family every day, however, look for that “resolution sweet spot” that will motivate and challenge you while complementing the bigger picture of what you want in life.

Build in accountability—This could be a personal trainer, a best friend, a workout log or progress journal, online tracking app, etc. Determine who or what will keep you accountable to achieving your goals, and be sure that your resolutions are specific enough to know if you’re on track or not! If your resolution is to “get in shape,” how would your accountability partner be able to hold you to that? If, however, your resolution is to “lose two pounds a week” you can track your progress much more definitively. Arm yourself with the right team, surround yourself with positive encouragement, and be prepared for your fabulous year ahead!

Need some help on the accountability front? Join our Free Wellthy Boss Facebook Group community!


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