You are not a random collection of body parts, some of which work well and others not so much. The more I study health disciplines ranging from cutting-edge psychology to ancient Ayurvedic principles, the more I have come to acknowledge and expect that everything affects everything.
When I do facial cupping at night as part of my skincare routine, I’ll feel a subtle release in my spine even though I’m just working on preventing wrinkles around my mouth. (Huh?)
You’re ONE person.
Body, mind, and spirit are just different expressions of the same substance. And low-grade chronic stress (even positive physical stress like working out a lot) casts a filter on the entire human experience–which can show up anywhere but very commonly including the low back.
Use this Guided Relaxation for Low Back as a starting point for reducing stress that shows up as low back pain.
I love guided relaxation for everyone, but especially for those who are physically over-active (because it’s focusing on the body itself) OR for those who find meditation uncomfortable or intimidating or think they aren’t good at it.
(Sometime the mind does better when it has a relaxing task like body-scanning than just throwing it into the deep end of silence.)
It won’t take long–but its benefits are profound! Let me know when you’ve tried it.