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The Importance of Celebratory Rituals in Business, Fitness, & Life

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The Importance of Celebratory Rituals in Business, Fitness, & Life

As ambitious entrepreneurs, most of us tend to lean in towards a future-focus, as opposed to looking back.

We overload our to-do lists, set goal after goal, and may barely stop to celebrate when we’ve passed a milestone.

But celebrating wins–whether in business, fitness, or any other area of our lives–is so important!


We know from experts on habit formation, like Charles Duhigg and his book The Power of Habit, that experiencing a reward every time we perform a certain routine or behavior will spark in us a desire to do it again.

Essentially, we only tend to keep doing the things we feel good about. 

The importance of celebratory rituals in business, fitness, & life.

If we set our goals beyond reach and continually fall flat (thus never permitting ourselves the chance to feel good about what we’ve done), we’re likely to get frustrated and burnt out–whether that goal is getting our first 100 customers or making it to the gym every day for a month.

Here are my tips for ensuring you celebrate each step of the way and inspire a path that keeps you working towards your goals.


Early in my business, I made the mistake of setting goals that were not directly within my control–like setting big revenue goals before I even had established a predictable revenue stream with enough data to back up those numbers (such as conversion rates, volume required to hit targets, etc.)

Each time I set a goal and fell flat, I’d feel like a failure and like I’d just wasted all my time since I hadn’t hit my goal.

The importance of celebratory rituals in business, fitness, & life.

Now, I do things differently.

I not only set goals that are measurably within my control, but I celebrate the effort, regardless of the outcome.

For example, I’ve had a ritual for awhile now where I’ll always pop a bottle of champagne with each launch I do of my courses. I’ve even celebrated $0 launches, because I still put in a ton of work.

(It was still the same amount of work whether I sold 0 or 100!)

I strongly encourage my clients to set (and celebrate) their fitness goals in the same way!

Many people want to set a weight loss goal, but all they can really control are the behaviors that are know to lead to weight loss.

There are many interrelated factors that go into our body’s ability to lose weight (for example, see my blog post 3 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight)

The importance of celebratory rituals in business, fitness, & life.

So making an exact weight loss prediction could lead to frustration. But setting a goal to exercise for 20 minutes 4 times a week is absolutely within your control, and something to be celebrated every time you accomplish that goal!


Telling someone else when we’ve accomplished something makes it seem more real. Plus, those around you may very well recognize the accomplishment and your deservingness of “kudos” better than you do yourself!

Share it with your husband. Text your mom. Post to that Facebook group you’re a part of.

Studies show that people who participate in online health forums double their likelihood of reaching their goals.

Masterminds work in a similar way–when you have not only the accountability but also the support to cheer you on, your work becomes bigger than just you and you’re more likely to take it seriously.

(And I just can’t move on from this point without inviting you to join the free Wellthy Boss Community if you’re looking for a community of other entrepreneurs to celebrate your health and self-care accomplishments with!) 

The importance of celebratory rituals in business, fitness, & life.


You’ve probably made a to-do list every day for the past year. And the year before that. And the year before that.

When was the last time you created a list of all the things you’ve already done?

Never, you say?

Writing down your accomplishments in a row can be a powerful exercise to build your own confidence and realize just how much you’ve grown, done, and achieved.

(For more on this, check out this blog post on the importance of “done” lists!)


Here are some ideas, many of which are free!

  • Treat yourself to time off
  • Text a friend or family member about your achievement
  • Share your accomplishment with a relevant Facebook group
  • Designate “fancy” things that you pull out to celebrate–whether that’s your good champagne glasses, a special candle you burn when you’re celebrating, etc.
  • Incorporate ceremonies (Jeff and I did a sage ceremony to celebrate and commemorate buying our new home)

I’d love to hear how YOU celebrate your goals–whether those are business goals, fitness goals, or just the fact that you finally cleaned out your medicine cabinet!

Drop a comment below to let me know how you celebrate (I may just steal one or two of your ideas for myself!)

Also, remember that celebrating the effort rather than the result first requires setting the right kind of goals in the first place.

Snag my quarterly personal planning retreat agenda to kick off your own self-care filled planning retreat!



Convert Your At-Home Space into a High End Fitness Studio

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