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Finding Your Fitness Motivational Mantra

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Finding Your Fitness Motivational Mantra

In this information age, often we lack not in knowledge but the in the application of that knowledge. Fitness motivation is a great example of this. Chances are, you already know much of what you need to know when it comes to fitness: Eat less. Exercise more. Drink water. Get more sleep and vegetables than French fries and video games.

The disconnect lies in turning information into habit. Words have power, but they can also be cheapened by the sheer abundance of them. Whittle down all the best practices you’ve accumulated and turn them into a mantra that you can rely on a simple phrase that becomes your words to live by.

Identify your fitness challenge that requires the most accountability and craft your mantra around that challenge. Then cut the excuses and just do it. (Ooh, maybe that’s your mantra right there!)

Once you distill your best practices into a phrase or sentence, post it anywhere you need a reminder: On your phone, on the fridge, in a calendar reminder at work, on a coffee mug anywhere!

Need some ideas? If you are having trouble coming up with your own, you are welcome to borrow one of these!

Finding your fitness motivational mantra.

I am better today than I was yesterday.

My excuses hurt only me.

Progress, not perfection.

We are what we repeatedly do. (courtesy of Aristotle)

I’ve got greatness inside.

I’m doing this for me.

It will get easier.

Is this choice moving me closer or farther from my goal?

I will get out what I put in.

If this were easy, everyone would do it.

Successful people do what others aren’t willing to. (courtesy of Chalene Johnson)

The only one responsible for my happiness is me.

It isn’t easy. But it is possible.

What’s your fitness motivation mantra?

Find even more motivation, encouragement, and accountability by joining our free Wellthy Boss Community–a private Facebook group specifically for overworked entrepreneurs who have an intention to live healthier lives.

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Convert Your At-Home Space into a High End Fitness Studio

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