Where are my fellow runners? (Well, I’m a former runner anyway!) I’m obsessed with cross-training for runners because running can be so hard on the body. Pilates and yoga for runners is such a good idea because it can help you train in the movement patterns that running often lacks, as well as help you stretch and recover after running. Pilates for runners helps you prevent injury and become more efficient in your movements. Try this Pilates for Runners 10-minute workout to mobilize your spine and strengthen abductors (especially the gluteus medius, which can often be a culprit in IT band syndrome in runners) as a supplement to your running routine!
Looking for more cross-training for your running schedule? You may also enjoy my Post Run Yoga Flow–a longer recovery practice I personally used after my long runs during training for two marathons.
Mariah Secrest-Comer is a lover of mindful movement modalities and making them accessible to all. With management experience spanning from the nonprofit sector to the fitness franchise studio setting to wellness resort programming, she also assists other fitness instructors in developing their business acumen–especially in the online space. She additionally serves as a Master Trainer for Barre Above and Balletone. She is married to the love of her life–Jeff Comer, a hospital CEO with doctoral studies in stress management and a certification in yoga! (They met in a yoga class he was teaching.) They have two chihuahuas, one horse, and are adopting a baby from China.