I want you to tally up all those responsibilities and reasons you end up using as excuses not to prioritize your health. Got that list? Good.
Now prepare to have all your excuses shot out of the water, by learning from this week’s guest Taryn Garrod how she artfully weaves self-care into the schedule of her 3 jobs. (Yes, I said 3! One full-time day job and two businesses.)
Taryn and I are basically twins, because we work for the same company in the same role in the Phoenix area, are both vegetarians, teach yoga, and have businesses. How could I not invite her to riff on all things related to health, time management, and entrepreneur-y endeavors?
The other reason you need to know Taryn is that she’s an awesome resource when it comes to reducing your exposure to chemical toxicity. If you’re enrolled in my Boss Body System, you know that one of the ninja hacks I teach regarding weight-loss and feeling great is getting rid of the gunk that’s hanging out in your lotions, potions, and household goods.
Taryn’s handmade shop Inspired By Sisters has THE BEST body butters and other natural products that are as harmless and innocent as a baby lamb frolicking in a field of daisies. (Did you like that one?) I use the stress relief body butter blend after my Epsom salt baths, and Jeff is even obsessed with it too. So check her out, and then be sure to drop by her shop for some major healthy indulgence!
What is your day job and what is your business?
That’s quite a loaded question! My day job is as a Lifestyle Director for a neighborhood managed by CCMC. The simplified way of defining what I do is event planning, marketing, communications, and networking with the ultimate goal of building community connections. Outside of my normal 8-5 life, I am a part time yoga instructor and teach anywhere from 4-7 classes per week. I also own a small business with my younger sister called Inspired by Sisters. We make inspirational quote paintings and natural body products. I have a few other income hobbies, but that’s the core of what I do!
Who are your business idols?
Honestly, my business idols are the little guys that are working their booties off to seek their passions. The people who get me super sparked and motivated are those I randomly meet at a farmers market or something similar. They’ve turned their passions into a small business, but they have only planted the seeds. They’re still working full time, struggling like hell to make it all work, but they just glow when they begin to talk about their work. THAT inspires me. The ones who just have the guts to try; they keep me up at night in wonder and admiration.
Please walk us through a typical day for you, as well as any habits you rely on to keep you sane
Well, I hardly call any day “typical”, as my day-to-day life is hardly ever consistent. Most weekdays, I am up around 5 am, ready to begin my day leading a yoga class, hitting the gym, or having some quiet time for myself. Waking up this early allows me to plan the day and build some energy prior to getting ready for the office. I often make myself a morning tonic (a “tea” combo of lemon, ginger, turmeric, honey, and apple cider vinegar) and check my plans for the day. I just started a bullet journal less than a month ago and I am obsessed! I usually eat a light breakfast of fruit or smoothie before heading into the office, with morning and afternoon snacks pre-packed for the day. Once at work, I plan out my work day, task lists, and catch up with my co-workers over lunch. The rest of the day is pretty normal office work, besides my required breaks at 10 and 2, usually time I spend coloring while watching a podcast. After work, I sometimes have another yoga class to teach or meet up with a friend. I usually prep a lot of my dinners ahead of time, so I am able to eat as soon as I get home. I have made it a good habit to clean every night after dinner, which only takes me about 5 minutes and saves so much time in the long run. Then, I settle down with quieting activities, like working on a painting for the business, journaling, bath time, etc. I usually head to bed by 8:30 pm.
How do you balance staying present while working towards your dreams?
Yoga! Sounds a little cliché, but it is the total truth. I have always been a busy person and often do not slow down until I am forced to because of sickness and injury. It was a really hard cycle to break. Yoga has been such a tool for me because it offers such a variety of styles to fit my needs. Sometimes, I need to bring out some energy, so I get moving on my mat and build some heat. Other times, I acknowledge the need to “Zen out” and spend some time in deep relaxation classes. Learning the needs of my body taught me more about my emotional, mental, and spiritual needs than I ever could have imagined.
What do you notice about your work when you’re taking good care of your body?
I have always noticed that my relationship with my body often reflects my relationship with work, and vice versa. It is a circle. If work is crazy and I am feeling stressed, I sometimes find myself avoiding the gym and eating excessive amounts of coconut ice cream. However, it also works in reverse. When I am actively making the decision to give my body the fuel it needs through nutritious food, exercise, and meditation, I am able to manage stress and turn it into a motivator. I am less affected by the things that are not in my control, because I have become fully in charge of my body and how I treat it.
You have a killer shopping system where you go to the grocery only once every two weeks. Can you share your secrets for how you prep and store food so you always have fresh fruits and veggies on hand to fuel you through your day?
I could probably write a mini book on this topic. The number one suggestion I give everyone about groceries is to plan ahead! I put a lot of time into planning my groceries and meals, but it saves me a significant amount of time in the long run. Every two weeks, I take a look at the current sales and the supermarkets and plan my meals around what produce is on sale and what kind of specials I can get. I take a look at my calendar and make sure to note and estimated number of meals that will not be at home, so I do not purchase more than I will be able to consume. I always check my pantry items to make sure I am not going to buy anything I already have. After grocery shopping, I plan to spend at least an hour prepping food for storage. Most produce items have secret storage options. For example, I always soak my berries in a vinegar-water solution before drying and storing in a container lined with a paper towel and keep the lid slightly open. I keep my lettuce/kale in Ziplocs lined with damp paper towels and wrap my celery in tin foil. There are so many tricks to extending the life of your produce and it takes just a tiny bit of research on Pinterest. I also create a meal plan that uses the produce that has a shorter life expectancy first. For example, berries need to be eaten in the first week, but apples will last until week two.
What are your favorite ways to recharge?
I have three favorite ways to recharge: 1.) time with nature; 2.) time with those who love me and encourage me; 3.) time with myself. I love driving to a new place and letting my bare feet explore something new. I also enjoy nights surrounded by people who energize me, whether we dance the night away or share a bottle of wine in our pajamas. A good tribe can never do you wrong. Lastly, ME time is my favorite. I take myself on dates, buy myself flowers, take luxurious baths and enjoy my own company. It’s pretty sexy.
How do you celebrate victories in your business and personal life?
My favorite way to celebrate is to share my victories with those who support me. I do not see this as bragging or acting full of myself, but as a way of taking pride in what I do. Sometimes, I will buy myself something that I normally wouldn’t, like a fancy cocktail or beautiful dress. Because I can and it feels so good!
Thanks so much, Taryn, for taking time from your 3 jobs to share your wisdom with us, and for being a Self-Care Star that we can all learn from and be inspired by! Looking for more inspiration? Check out Taryn’s shop Inspired By Sisters for delectable natural body products and original inspirational paintings!