Boy, do I have an inspiring one for you in this edition of the Self-Care Star interview series!
Puja Batura is a friend of a friend, and I’m proud to have her on the Elevate blog. We had the pleasure of becoming acquainted after we were both interviewed for the Work Smarter Not Harder blog series (which I highly recommend )by the talented Nicole Regan–also an Elevate Self-Care Star!
Puja is sure to inspire all business owners with day-jobs–men and women alike–with her eye for style and her keen business savvy. (How DOES she make it look so easy? Oh wait, she’s about to tell us!)
And she’s not holding back. Puja has so much knowledge and inspiration to share, I’m going to cut straight to the chase and dive into the interview.
What is your day job and what is your business?
I am a Marketing Specialist at an AmLaw 100 firm in downtown Chicago. In this job, I work closely with our Chicago Marketing Director to plan and project manage a range of marketing activities in the Chicago office, ensuring they align with our firm’s goals. These activities include planning and leading events, sponsorships, project managing written internal and external communications, drafting news items and assisting in the development of various processes and procedures. I transitioned into legal marketing after being in financial services for over nine years, within a variety of roles (finance, sales and eventually marketing).
My side business is called Puja Batura – Edit.Style.Shop. In this Chicago-based service business, I assist clients with closet edits (consultations), personal styling and personal shopping needs. After years of carrying out these services for friends and family, it became apparent that this “hobby” was actually a passion with pursuing. To be able to initiate this side business, it definitely took a great deal of self-assurance, time, and support from my personal network. I have no regrets and absolutely love all my clients and every task that I’m assigned. To me, this can’t be defined as work and that’s the best type of job to have!
Who are your business idols?
I have way too many business idols, to be honest! So many individuals inspire me in so many different ways. If I had to narrow it down (and based on my current mood today), I’d go with Richard Branson (I NEED to meet him one day), Arianna Huffington and Diane Von Furstenberg.
- Branson’s Virgin Group is an unbelievably impressive and successful multinational company, how can you not admire his business acumen? On top of that, I respect how candid he is about having an entrepreneurial spirit from such a young age despite battling dyslexia. From students all the way to budding entrepreneurs, he has such a commendable strength of character for individuals to latch onto. He also has a range of humanitarian efforts that I have a high regard for. I’m not sure that Sir Richard Branson can fail in my eyes!
- Arianna Huffington is captivating and so influential; it’s hard to not to immediately think of her as a business idol. Her media background is wide-ranging and no one can deny the success of The Huffington Post since she became its’ Editor-in-Chief.
- Lastly, I don’t know one individual with an interest in fashion that doesn’t think highly of or consider Diane Von Furstenberg a business idol (or life idol, for that matter)! Iconic wrap dress aside, her influence in fashion and the evolution of DVF is incredible. She is also such a large supporter of women who fight to make an impact and constantly acknowledges the confidence it took along the way for her to eventually become the independent woman she wanted to be.
You have a strong business background. What’s one mistake that you often see less experienced entrepreneurs make, that can lead to more headaches down the road?
My boyfriend was extremely instrumental in giving me the courage to really pursue my side business. I was constantly trying to compile and analyze a business model for months on end (this is where the “analytical business school Puja” comes into play). Eventually he convinced me that it will never be perfect at such an initial phase and the best way to learn is to simply dive in headfirst.
As a lesson learned from what I just mentioned, one mistake that I often see are entrepreneurs that fear failure. In my opinion, entrepreneurs simply cannot know all the answers that exist within their business, industry or product. The successful entrepreneurs are those that take a chance and truly figure it out along the way. Gut instincts are huge and you have to trust yourself and your enthusiasm behind why you decided to pursue this route in the first place! Failure is part of the road to success.
Please walk us through a typical day for you, as well as any habits you rely on to keep you sane.
When I wake up, I like to check both my personal and work emails, read theSkimm, peruse through my social media feeds, then hop in the shower and get ready for work.
I’m lucky to be able to live within walking distance from my office. Walking to/from work is a life changer and it’s one part of the day that I always look forward to.
No day at my day job is ever the same! While I have ongoing projects that can span months, the daily “to do’s” are constantly changing based on the needs of my clients and important items that pop up and need to be completed in a timely fashion. It definitely keeps things interesting and fast-paced, which I enjoy.
After work, I can range from having no plans, working out, attending/facilitating a work-related event, personally networking or grabbing dinner with friends and family.
- During the workdays, I vary on whether I’m working out before or after work. Lately, I’ve been trending after work. I will either head to my favorite spin studio on my way home from work, work out at the gym or head to CorePower Yoga where I love doing their Yoga Sculpt classes.
- After working out, I’ll head home and enjoy a delicious meal typically prepared by my amazing boyfriend. He definitely cooks more than I do and is phenomenal, so NO complaints here! We love to eat outside on our deck in the summer months and sit by the fire pit. You have to take advantage of the Chicago summer months to its’ full extent!
- If timing allows and it’s not too late, my boyfriend and I will also watch at least one episode of a series that we’re addicted to.
As for habits that keep me sane, working out has become very important to me over the years. I’m not the type of person that works out seven days a week, but I do set realistic goals for how many days I can tackle and fit into my schedule (and on average this is roughly four days a week). I feel so much better after working out after a long day or starting my morning off with a workout, it’s never a question of whether it will be worth it or not.
I’m also addicted to my iPhone. This may seem like an odd item to keep someone sane, but it is for me! I heavily rely on my phone’s calendar for appointments and events. At this point in my life, I am constantly involving myself with various plans, so it’s important that I don’t double book myself or completely clutter up my calendar. I’m also dependent on my notes/reminders for miscellaneous “to do’s” that I use to jog my memory throughout the day!
Lastly, I am a very organized individual and this also helps keeps me sane. If I wasn’t, I truly don’t know how I would function on a daily basis. Keeping an organized physical work/life space is certainly key for someone like me.
You have a demanding career, plus your own fabulous side hustle. How do you mentally shift gears when it’s time to go from day job to your business, and vice versa?
My day job and side business are obviously very fundamentally different. So, when I’m shifting from one mode into the other, it’s all about keeping the task(s) at hand, in mind.
It’s easy for me to leave my day job knowing what I have to pick up and do the next day to get a project or event successfully carried out. It’s also mentally easy for me to transition into the styling or personal shopping needs of a side business client when I’m not performing my day job assignments. I know my side business clients need my undivided attention. The fact that they value my consultation and expertise means the world to me. So it’s critical for me to really focus on their requirements.
At the end of the day, the consistent aspect of both my day job and side business is the client service angle. So whether I’m in the office working on an event with my marketing team and lawyers or sifting through a closet with one of my customers determining what personal shopping items are needed, I’m here to effectively assist my clients and get them the results they want and need.
You mentioned that you always pick out your outfit the night before to save time and stress the next morning. This is a habit I’ve been trying to adopt. As a fashion stylist, do you have any tips on making this process easier? For example, do you recommend any apps like StyleBook, or do you have your own process?
Yes, I always pick my outfits out the night before (I also always iron, lint-roll, etc. the night before)! It helps me feel organized and ensures I won’t waste time trying to pair various things together and inevitably run late the next morning. All in all, it’s a huge time saver.
I obviously swear by this habit and would highly recommend it to anyone. So, my tips to make it easier are:
- Always keep in mind the dress code of your office environment. Obviously depending on where you work, it can range from business formal to casual and your wardrobe choices for each day should align with this.
- I always make a point to check my handy dandy weather app (I prefer AccuWeather) to check the weather for the following day. For example, since I walk to/from work, I avoid wearing white if I know it’s going to rain. If it’s a 90-degree day, I’ll opt for a sleeveless dress. If it’s a 60-degree fall day, I prefer layers, etc. It always helps to be dressed appropriately for Chicago’s ranging weather patterns!
- From here, I really like to mix and match various options together. My starting points are always a top, a pair of pants or a dress and then I build the rest of my outfit around this staple piece. (Note: It’s always more challenging to start by picking out a pair of shoes or a jacket and attempting to assemble an outfit from here). Lastly, I’ll choose accessories once the outfit is completely paired together.
- I make sure it is hung in my closet and ready to go in the morning!
- One other tip is to be sure to try things on if you aren’t sure of the fit. The last thing you need is to scramble the next morning because your pre-selected outfit doesn’t even fit you properly!
How do you balance staying present while working towards your dreams?
Lately there have been a handful of reminders around me that life can be unpredictable and short. While that isn’t the most optimistic thought, it really does serves as a basis for me to try my best to try and live life to the fullest.
My present scenario is amazing. I feel very lucky to be healthy, have the life I have and to be surrounded by those I love most. It’s important for me to always ensure my next steps, personally and professionally, are gearing me towards something that will keep me fulfilled. Essentially, I work hard in my present scenario to understand what I excel at and enjoy and ultimately, I take these learning opportunities to determine how to continue striving towards my dreams. It’s a constant learning curve and I enjoy the daily challenges and accomplishments along the way.
What do you notice about your work when you’re taking good care of your body?
When I’m taking care of my body (working out regularly and eating/sleeping well), I notice that I am able to put more energy into my work (and frankly, everything I do)! I feel more focused and ready to take on my projects, whether it’s in my day job or for my side business clients.
What are your favorite ways to recharge?
My favorite ways to recharge definitely depend on my mood at that moment in time. A few common things you’ll see me doing are:
- Going to yoga or another form of workout that gives me the ability “bounce back” from a hard or tiring day, such as SoulCycle. I also love going for a fun bike ride with the weather is awesome (with a helmet of course).
- My boyfriend and I love the Chicago Riverwalk. We enjoy walking there, walking along it all the way to the lake and then back home. It’s one of my favorite destinations in the city with so much energy and beautiful views.
- I’m definitely someone who can’t sit still, but I try to remind myself how important it is to also take the time to rest. Whether it’s taking some time out for a massage or promising myself to get at least eight hours of sleep, it’s something I know my body mentally and physically appreciates!
How do you celebrate victories in your business and personal life?
Generally speaking, I’ve always been a tad reluctant to acknowledge victories in my business or personal life. Ask my mom; I’ve been this way since I was a kid! But, I do realize the importance of recognizing one’s hard work, especially when it has led to accomplishments.
Typically, I like to celebrate these types of victories by surrounding myself with friends and family (and delicious food and champagne of course) and really soaking in the moment. More often than not, it’s these people that have helped me reach any sort of achievement that is being celebrated, so it’s really important to me to have them present.
Tell us how people can get hold of you if they want to reduce the headache out of putting their wardrobe together?
Puja Batura – Edit.Style.Shop is a Chicago-based personal services business that assists with closet consultations, personal styling and personal shopping needs. The approach is a three-step process for those who need help cleansing their closet, navigating their wardrobe–what one has and what one needs–and then pulling together the outfits that perfectly fit one’s unique look and lifestyle. Please contact edit.style.shop@pujabatura.com for more information.
Thanks, Puja, for taking the time to inspire the Elevate community! We truly appreciate it. Meanwhile, Elevators, just a quick reminder to mark your calendars for the Boss Body System virtual pre-parties on Wednesday night, August 31 (6pm PST) and Thursday morning, September 1 (9am PST). I’ve been winding up all summer for this, and trust me when I say that I’m throwing down GOODIES GALORE for you who join live–not to mention my best fitness shortcuts for entrepreneurs!
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