You know how some business charismatic business leaders rev you up with rhetoric, wow you with rags-to-riches stories, and then leave you wondering, “Well, that’s great. But now what?”
While I like a little Tony Robbins-style motivation now and again, ultimately I tend to be more attracted and more loyal to leaders who are calm, consistent, and demonstrate a high understanding of my situation.
They get what I go through on a day-to-day basis as a hardworking entrepreneur who’s side hustling while working a day job, and they also understand that soothing reassurance and practical how-to carry more weight than rhetoric and firepower.
Paul Minors is one of those leaders. His manner is so cool, calm, and collected (which admittedly, is enhanced by his New Zealand accent I get to hear on The Productivity Podcast).
I always seem to end a listening session with this feeling like, “Ahhh, everything is going to be okay.”
And did I mention that he stays this calm while working full-time and running a business with over 10,000 subscribers? Lucky for you, his business is all about teaching YOU how to be as calm, organized, and productive as he is.
By day I work as a mortgage adviser. I actually come from a marketing background but made a career change last year when I was bored in my previous role. I’ve learned that what you do matters far less than the environment you do it in. For me, I strive to learn more and this is one of the reasons I’ve enjoyed my new role so much.
In my spare time, I am building my personal website, PaulMinors.com where I blog and podcast about productivity. I love teaching people about productivity as it’s the vehicle we can use to get more out of life. If you can be more effective and efficient, there’s no stopping you on your course to achieving your goals and getting more out of life.
Who are your business idols?
I really like Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income. I really admire how he’s built such a great online brand, he has a passionate audience and has a great work-life balance. Actually, on that note, I also really like Richard Branson (apart from the fact that he’s a Brit like me) I really like his attitude towards business. He believes you should have as much fun as you can and really doesn’t believe in work-life balance. He talks about it being just “life” and work and life should support, not compete, with one another.
Please walk us through a typical day for you, as well as any habits you rely on to keep you sane.
Typically I wake up just before 5:00am. I usually tackle emails first thing to get all these out of the way. Or I’ll spend some time on a few high-impact tasks/projects that I’m currently working on. I’ll then shower, get ready for the day and If I’m going to the office (I often work from home), I’ll leave about 6:00am. I’ll try to meditate in the morning, but this isn’t as regular as I’d like it to be.
I make sure to break my morning up with a walking break to get some fresh air and exercise. I usually finish work around 4pm and work on my website a little longer before going to CrossFit in the evening. My wife and I then have dinner and hang out in the evenings. I’ll read a book before bed to wind down and then usually hit the sack at about 9:30pm.
How do you balance staying present while working towards your dreams?
I’m a big planner. I have all my long-term goals planned out in Asana and use various projects to plan what I’m going to do on a daily and weekly basis. With this in mind, I try to remember to appreciate the moment you’re in right now which is why I like going for walks. Whenever I go for a walk, my mind jumps between planning for the future and enjoying the present moment. If I’m walking along the beach or through a forest, the scenery and fresh air always grounds me.
I also recommend The Obstacle is the Way as a great book for reminding you to stay present (I have a book summary on my website).
What do you notice about your work when you’re taking good care of your body?
I notice that I have way more energy and I can work for long periods of time without burning out. Because I work a day job and in my spare time, maintaining my stamina is really important. By working out and staying strong I can work for longer without losing focus.
What are your favorite ways to recharge?
Going for walks. Reading books. Being outside. CrossFit. Spending time with my wife. Sleeping in (7:00am) at the weekend. Coffee. Lots of food.
How do you celebrate victories in your business and personal life?
I probably need to celebrate more. It’s easy to have a win and then simply move on to the next thing without much pause for thought. I usually celebrate by sharing my wins with my wife and telling her about my day and achievements. She’s great and supports me so much.
Occasionally I journal using Evernote and write down the things I’m grateful. This is a nice way of tracking your progress over time and it’s always enjoyable revisiting these journal entries.
Paul, thank-you SO much for gracing the Elevate community with your tricks of the trade. I love that 7am is “sleeping in” for you as well!
I want to remind all my community members to check out his additional resources by signing up for his free 7 Day Productivity Plan that I recently started–especially if you struggle to manage your time as an entrepreneur.
Also, don’t forget that we’ll be doing a Live Q&A tonight at 5:45 PST on all things exercise! This will be hosted on the Elevate Facebook page, so be sure to drop on by and bring your questions related to exercise motivation, how-to, and anything else related to making your body function and look as great as you’d like it to.