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The Bare Minimum: Winter Weight Loss Shortcuts

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The Bare Minimum: Winter Weight Loss Shortcuts

Every year it’s the same. You resolve that the winter holiday bustle, along with shortened daylight hours, will not cause you to succumb to accumulating a little extra “insulation.” But unless you change your strategy, history is bound to repeat itself. Try these shortcuts to maintain—not gain—this winter:

#1. NUTRITION—You know that I know that you know. Even modest amounts of exercise can’t make up for taking in extra calories. So even if your gym time has to get cut short this winter, make an effort to put some limits around what and how much you eat. Obviously, volumes upon volumes have been written about the generic topic of “nutrition,” but to get quick and dirty, stick with this main principle now until the holidays: Avoid white, processed carbs and sugar as much as humanly possible. Not only are these devoid of nutrients, but they uniquely spike your insulin and cause a physical response to crave more and more. (Unfortunately nature plays a dirty trick on us, insofar as the shortened periods of daylight deplete our serotonin levels and make us hanker for a carb-and-sugar pick-me-up. Stay vigilant!)

#2. H.I.I.T.—I’m talking High Intensity Interval Training. Don’t have time for an hour on the treadmill every day before work? You’re fine to cut your workout to as short as twenty minutes, provided you push the pace aggressively for short periods, followed by periods of low-impact recovery. You can also do double-duty and incorporate strength training with your cardio, by hopping off the cardio machine every 5 to 10 minutes and doing a set of push-ups, squats, dips, or pull-ups. You may not have hours and hours to exercise each week, but 20 minutes a day? Seriously—you’ve got 20 minutes a day. Waste a little less time on Pinterest (my guilty pleasure of choice) and you’re sure to find 20 minutes.

#3. SLEEP-I’m betting you love/hate to hear this. Everyone loves sleep! But so few of us find it easy to get more of it. If you need yet another reason to turn off the tube and turn in at a reasonable time, do it for your weight. Loads of studies prove that night-owls and sleep-deprived folks weigh in heavier than do those who get 7 to 8 hours. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night this week, and next week aim for 30. This will do wonders for your mental health as well—which is not unimportant as you scramble to get work projects done before navigating the chaos of the holidays.

Closer to the holidays we’ll talk tips about when and how to indulge, but start now to make sure you’re not engaging in a two-month free-for-all. Take a deep breath, keep it simple, and enjoy the winter!

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