Sometimes, self-care means doing less. Saying no. Turning things off. Other times, it actually means getting ahead of things–investing in a little extra strategy and organization to prevent the circumstances around you from swirling you into an abyss of overwhelm.
Especially as ambitious entrepreneurs, it’s important we understand where applying a little strategy will help save our sanity in the long run. We’re not going to give up our dreams, our projects, or our goals. So we may as well get organized with them so we conserve as much energy as we can and enjoy the process along the way.
In this video-only post, I walk you through the task management system that has helped me stay the course while building my own digital wellness business, running someone else’s brand new brick-and-mortar business for my day job, buying a new house, going through the international adoption process, working out 6-7 days a week, and cooking 90% of our organic, whole food meals at home.
Am I saying it’s been easy? HA–definitely not. But staying organized has made it at least possible during one of the most demanding seasons of my life. Enjoy!
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