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Wellthy Bosses Speak Vol. 2: Balancing Business & Family

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As Seen On
Balancing Business and Family

Is work-life balance just a myth?

While many people eschew even the very term of “balance”, whatever you call it–we all have to make decisions about when we turn work on and off, when we spend time with our family, and what kind of boundaries we put around each.

This is a perennial challenge that all working professionals face, but especially we as entrepreneurs whose work is ever-present (and often also directly impacts our families with its bottom-line reality of needing to pay the bills!)

In this 2nd volume of the Wellthy Bosses Speak series, you’ll hear from other entrepreneurs just like you as they weigh in on the strategies that help them feel most whole in their businesses and their families.

Wellthy Boss Show Podcast

  • How other entrepreneurs make decisions about when to turn work off
  • Why quality time vs. quantity time can have a stronger payoff for your loved ones–and free of you of trying to battle an impossible schedule!
  • The apps and hacks that help business owners stay on task during work time–and present with their family when it’s time to quit
  • The importance of getting buy-in from your family about your projects
  • Why having grace with yourself to ebb and flow through different seasons of hustling vs. relaxing is perfectly normal and healthy

Wellthy Boss Show Episode

Interview Valet


The Productivity Specialist

Biz Women Rock

Zack David Music (My rockstar podcast editor!)

Self-Control App

Wellthy Boss Show Episode 2

Have something to say about balancing business and family–or just want to vent about how freaking hard it can sometimes be??

Join us over at The Wellthy Boss Community–a private FB group for entrepreneurs who desire to live a whole, fulfilling, healthy life while facing the very real demands of entrepreneurial life.





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